The Art of Becoming a Leader

Social Justice Workshop:
Training the Next Generation to be Community Organizers and Activists focused on Social Justice

By focusing on social justice projects, disenfranchised young adults will become empowered. It will give them the opportunity to do service and simultaneously develop leadership skills. Students will be coached through a project that would bring service to a cause they are passionate about. Students will research and choose their subjects through consensus decision making. 

I give them the goalposts and they have to figure out how to get a touchdown

  1. Once the social justice issue is chosen, the team will create a calendar and project outline.   

  2. There will be requirements to their end project:  All groups will create a documentary, a grant proposal, A project outline,  and a presentation. At the end of the course, students will present to the city council and do a service project 

  3. There will be certain deadlines:   
    Calendar and project outline due date:
    Due dates will be determined by each group as they continue. 

Research your issue:  Know all the ups and downs
Find people to come in or you meet to talk about your issue.
Watch any youtube or movies concerning your issue.
Create a storyboard for the documentary
Coming up with problems that change the calendar.  
Researching grants for their issue.  
Select a couple of grants and write a small application.   Getting the grant is not as important as learning how to research and write a grant.
The presentation will come out of the documentary.  
A town council or school board members or professional members in organizations tied to their issue.   
Students will discuss and decide on their own, their next steps, all along the way.  Practice how to do consensus decision making.   
Create a way to do service with their social justice issue.  
Explore everyone’s background, ethnicity, culture, 
Learn to discuss issues with those who may not agree
Being equitable

Desired Outcomes:

Develop skills as leaders
Connect with their community (family, friends)
Become confident as a public speaker
Learn how to research and write a grant
Discover your passion for a specific issue
Develop strong collaboration skills
Become a mindful listener
Become more compassionate with your friends and family
Own their mission

Developing Life Skills: 

Public speaking
Grant writing
Mindful listening
Collaboration and team building
Community Leadership
Learn how to document everything


Public speaking
Grant writing
Mindful listening
Collaboration and team building
Community Leadership
Learn how to document everything

Teacher's Bio: Julie Egger has taught music, special education and leadership for the past 40 years. Her music is her passion and so is Social Justice. Her belief is "If you have it, give it away". She believes that when she plays music, she is an ambassador of peace. Additionally, guiding the next generation to become leaders is vital, and the idea of doing social justice is the only way to go.
Style of Offering : Interactive - via Zoom.
Max Number of Attendees: 20
Date and Time : Monday to Friday 9-3
Signup Deadline: One Week in Advance