The Five Elements & Meditative Art

The basic five elements which make up this manifested world are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.

Each of the elements has a unique essence – a combination of set qualities and attributes. Each element has with its own wisdom and message.

When working to create harmony, we strengthen the elements within us that are weak and control the elements that over amplified.

We can do so in different ways and from a wide variety of directions, such as through foods that we choose to eat or to avoid, with physical exercises and other activities, in connection to our body organs, season and climates colors and much more.

In this session we learn the basic essence of working the 5 elements and how to apply this core understating when expressing creativity.

Teacher's Bio: I studied both in India and in the west with a variety of great teachers. I have been teaching Yoga and Meditative Art around the globe for over 10 years.
Style of Offering: Interactive - via Zoom.
Max Estudiantes: 3
Date and Time : Flexible
Signup Deadline: One Week in Advance