There's never been a better time to revitalize your life - That time is NOW, and it will always be NOW!
Through one-on-one coaching sessions, I will guide you through re-establishing your sense of self, your creative and imaginative power, and your ability to realize and manifest what you desire out of life. Whether it be in relationships, finances, self-confidence, creativity, or just wanting to feel zestful about life, making the choice to move toward the life you want to lead is the most important step -- and choice is what you have at every moment.
Before you read how this course works, I want you to remember one thing: I am not your guru: YOU ARE.
Here's how it'll go:
First, we'll set up a schedule that works for the both of us. We'll meet twice a week via video conference, or over the phone. When we first speak, we'll establish three things: Who-You-Were, Who-You-Want-To-Be, and Who-You-Are-Now.
Second, we'll create a flexible timeline for you to introduce new practices, rituals, and beliefs into your daily experience. This will vary for each person, but every student will keep a daily journal. This part might feel like a silly experiment, but that's the point. We're going to open you up to possibility by shifting the way you think and do--We'll get into the nitty gritty to help you tune your emotional guidance and discover what you really want out of life.
Third, we'll learn how to tap into the Greater You--the You that knows which way to point you--by recognizing the present moment. We'll talk about becoming a deliberate thinker and taking responsibility for our lives at each and every moment. Here and NOW is where your creative zest, inspirational ideas, and self-adoration are.
We'll meet twice a week to discuss your progress, talk about what we're feeling (don't worry, this is a safe container--we'll both be opening up), and learn to live in joyous exaltation at all times.
Congratulations to you on making the choice to discover your power. You owe it to yourself to live in your fullest potential, succeed, and feel the abundance that is right around the corner.
Please feel free to shoot me a message with any questions -- I will do my best to respond to you as soon as possible. Let's get the conversation started.
Blessings to you!