Lessons in Latin

This is a one-on-one intensive course in Latin grammar, translation, and textual interpretation. It is appropriate for all ages and levels of proficiency.

I wish to stress first and foremost that teaching is not merely something that I went to school for, but a profession that I was born for; and TUTORING I am especially passionate about. Moreover, due to my explicit, pinpoint, step-by-ministep explanations, the presentation of the material in the most logical sequence, the sustained intensity of the drilling, and my singular patience and perseverance, my students learn in one lesson what normally takes an entire week to learn in school, a fact to which they, as well as teachers, parents, and administrators, will readily attest. This is no joke. If you really want to learn this language, then get on board with me, and take advantage of a unique opportunity.

Teacher's Bio: Have been teaching since I was eight years old. Have been teaching professionally since 1994. Immersed in the study of languages --English, Spanish, and Latin-- for forty-five years. Have been tutoring English, Spanish, Latin, math, and chess for over twenty-five years, and taught Latin at two private schools --Cambria School of Excellence in Queens, and Fusion Academy in Stamford.
Style of Offering: One-on-one
Date and Time : Variable. Much leeway.
Signup Deadline: 24 Hours in Advance