Learn conversational Italian in four weeks.
This is an interactive, live course run via Zoom. There is no better way to learn than through a native speaker!
Learning is done by listening and repeating words and expressions modeled by the teacher as well as dialogues, questions and answers. In addition to oral practice, the student does written exercises in class and after class as homework.
Communicate in Italian language at a basic level.
• Ability to communicate in another language.
• Knowledge of the culture of another country.
• Greater openness to the world and international vision.
• Development of neuronal plasticity through the acquisition and implementation of new knowledge.
This is an active class requiring participation from the student, whether listening, speaking, reading, or writing. In addition to our interaction, I will present texts and other materials through Zoom.
Each new lesson begins with a review of the previous one, continues with a new topic and ends with the written and oral practice of what has been studied. Work at home will be encouraged as the best way to reinforce what they have learned.
Structure and materials
The course will consist of eight sessions total, meeting twice a week for a month.
All you need is a pen & paper, and a ready mind!
Week 1
I suoni. Come si scrive e come si pronuncia: ce, ci, che, chi, qua, que, qui.
I saluti. Come ti chiami?
Articoli determinative maschili e femminili.
I suoni gn, gl.
Il verbo essere, terza persona singolare e plurale.
Week 2
Nomi che finiscono in e.
Plurale femminile e maschile.
Verbo essere.
I colori.
Week 3
Articolo indeterminativo maschile singolare e plurale.
Articolo determinativo femminile singolare e plurale.
I giorni della settimana.
I numeri.
Week 4
Verbo avere.
C’é, ci sono.
Mi piace, mi piacciono.
Modo indicativo: prima coniugazione,
Welcome video: