Phoenix Rising Coaching


Are you in the midst of a major life transition? Do the challenges sometimes seem overwhelming? Transitions are often a time when the known in our lives changes so drastically and so fast that it feels as though it's been burned down. The image of the phoenix rising from the ashes of what's been changed or lost can be daunting, but with guidance, support, encouragement, tools and resources, it's not only possible but it can open one's entire life to a new way of being. Working with me you CAN learn how to transform these challenges into catalysts and utilize the energy to propel you forward into a new more powerful way of being. Step by step, we will move through the stages of transition from releasing the past to finding ways to live in the moment to creating a new vision for the future.

Moving with grace through transitions requires nothing short of embracing change through all the stages, observing it, minimizing the costs and maximizing the benefits. Our movement through the different stages allows us to return the next time through with greater wisdom, strength and familiarity, making each level of healing easier to get through. Often the times we feel most alive are during a transition when our capacity is being stretched and tested beyond our imagination so much so that when we look back, we don’t even know how we made it through. But we did, and we are here to tell the tale, share our wisdom and insights, and rest up for next time.

The Phoenix Rising Package will help you:

~ Explore the stages of major life transitions
~ Learn strategies to help you navigate life's changes
~ Find and trust your unique voice
~ Tune into what your heart needs
~ Gift yourself with the space to heal and to just be
~ Honor and embrace yourself where you are
~ Envision a pathway forward
~ Move through negative self-talk and obstacles that arise
~ Gather resources to empower your next steps
~ Plus more!

This program is for you if:

~ You want help and guidance to move through transition
~ You're ready to embrace change and discover its many gifts
~ You're looking for encouragement and support
~ You're feeling unsteady and unsure about small decisions
~ You're curious about what's next
~ You want to cultivate and strengthen your intuition
~ You aren't sure how to break free of old habits and beliefs
~ You're ready to live more consciously and authentically

Teacher's Bio: Victoria is a transformation coach with over twenty-five years of experience working with clients to navigate major transitions in their lives.
Style of Offering: One-on-one coaching
Max Attendance: 1
Date and Time : TBD
Signup Deadline: None