Introductory Spanish

Improve your Spanish skills!

In this Introductory Spanish course, students will learn how to have a basic conversation in Spanish. They will learn how to share basic information about themselves, where they are from, how old they are, what their preferences are, share about their family, what foods they prefer and why, how to order food, how to describe what someone is wearing and buy clothes in a store, etc.

Course goals:

-Become more proficient communicators of the Spanish language
-Build confidence in your interpersonal skills
-Grow more aware of different cultures, the diverse Spanish-speaking world, and how different communities are both similar and different to our own.

In this course, we will focus on 3 modes of communication:

-Interpretive: reading and listening
-Interpersonal: speaking and writing
-Presentational: speaking and writing

Here are the units of study:

1) Mi país y yo (My country and me)
2) Mi familia (My family)
3) Sabores, sabores... (Flavors, flavors...)
4) La moda personal (Personal style)

Recommend supplies for the course:

-Notebook for this course only
-Writing utensil
-Pocket folder/binder

Virtual classes will be held once per week for 60 minutes.

Classes will be conducted mostly in Spanish, but students will be supported by documents, images, etc. This class focuses on communication, not linguistic perfection, but the only way to learn a language is to listen to, read, write and speak a language.

Teacher's Bio: I am a Spanish and French teacher from Bulgaria. My romance with languages began in Middle school, when I studied German and dreamed of visiting West Germany one day. I graduated from Veliko Tarnovo University with a BA in French and Literature and from EMU with a major in Spanish. I have been teaching K-12 since 2001. I love teaching and learning languages.
Style of Offering: Interactive
Max Attendance: 20+
Signup Deadline: 48 Hours in Advance