Have dreams of becoming an inventor, entrepreneur, or artist? Success in these dreams rely on an individual’s creativity ability, and unfortunately there are not many opportunities to develop this. (Yes, creativity is a skill, not an inherent trait).
The interactive experience of this course will enable you to develop these skills that underlie all creative work, such as ideational fluency, associative thinking, comfortableness with rejection, tolerance for ambiguity and complexity, and growth mindset.
I believe students learn best through doing. I limit lecturing and rely most heavily on impactful interactive experiences that are customized to the group dynamics of the class.
I am allergic to BS, and there is a lot of BS in the creativity field. Creativity has 50 years of research behind it, and my goal is to deliver transformational experiences to you based on my knowledge of what works from the scientific literature.
Class will be composed of ten 1-hour interactive sessions that build upon one another, and will prepare you to use popular creative techniques & processes most effectively. You can find the session outlines here.
No prerequisite knowledge needed, all skill levels welcome. In fact, it’s better if you come with an open mind.
No supplies necessary, but there are optional & recommended books you can obtain for use as reference.