Ayurvedic Consultation

Improve your Health and Wellbeing, and Join me for a 1 on 1 Ayurvedic Consultation!

You will learn all about your own unique blueprint of doshas (Vatta, Pitta, Kapha) which make up your constitution (Prakruti), and any current imbalances (Vikruti).

I will address your chief concerns and health goals by utilizing the tools of Ayurvedic assessment to get to the root of the problem.

You will be provided with an Ayurvedic protocol focusing around recommendations suited to you specifically.
Ayurvedic recommendations employ diet, herbs, lifestyle, meditation and exercise to bring one back into a state of balance and harmony.

Ayurveda "The Science of Life & Longevity" is the longest standing form of medicine on Earth, and is the "Sister Science" to Yoga, the two being traditionally, always studied together to create a harmonious whole.

If you are looking for answers to any health or wellness concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me to see if i may be able to help.

I have had success in helping those with various issues: digestion, weight loss, inflammation, immunity, fertility, anxiety, skin conditions, etc.

Teacher's Bio: Matthew Bowen is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, 500-hour Ayuryoga® Instructor, Body Worker and soon to be RN. He has been practicing Natural Healing, Yoga and Meditation for over 10 years and studied Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga with the leading expert Dr. Vasant Lad at The Ayurvedic Institute. Since then Matthew has continued to study medicine to become a Registered Nurse.
Style of Offering: Live Stream
Max Attendance: 1
Date and Time : Please see calendar.
Signup Deadline: 24 Hours in Advance