Yoga and Techniques for Manifestation

Are you ready to transcend your own expectations? Do you want to attract infinite wealth and abundance into your life? If you are currently feeling stuck, lost, misguided, or have just lost your zest in life, now is the time to make the ultimate change in to direction of your DREAMS. I offer this private to give hope, to give direction, to give guiddance, and to help create a plan for moving forward during this rocky climate. You can become ANYTHING YOU DESIRE.

Teacher's Bio: Yaya Huntley is a 200EYT who specializes in Astanga Yoga and Manifestation Coaching. Through conquering her own struggles with depression and addiction, Yaya has been able to guide others to achieve amazing results. By breaking down the low vibrational habits that keep us stagnant, we are able to break through to the authentic self; where wealth and abundance attraction lies.
Style of Offering: Interactive - via Zoom.
Signup Deadline: 24 Hours in Advance